07 July 2010


Yesterday I:

  1. Sorted the mountain of laundry in our house. 
  2. Cleaned the bathroom.
  3. Changed the linens on every bed in the house. 
  4. Put away 2 baskets of kids clothes.
  5. Vacuumed.
  6. Finished sewing all the liners for the diapers.
  7. Sewed up some wipes. 
  8. Wore jeans... and a bra.
  9. Made a balanced supper for the first time in months. I have never seen our kids eat their veggies so well... nothing like 26 weeks of daddy made meals and take out to inspire some appreciation for the greener things in life. 
  10. Went to the fabric store.
  11. Built puzzles with the kids. On the floor. (Of all the things I accomplished, getting up off the floor should be the one thing I get an award for.)
  12. Went to the Doctor. Baby is good. The scale was not.
  13. Washed at least three loads of dishes. 
  14. Took lunch to the husband at work. 
  15. Made snacks.
  16. Gave Elin a bath.
  17. Joined the kids and daddy in their otherwise exclusive bedtime routine. 

Today I:
  1. Ate a bowl of watermelon.
  2. Threw up. 

Good days and bad days, I guess. 
I hate the bad days. 

1 comment:

  1. wow your good days are 25x more productive than mine and you are pregnant and sick.

    sorry to hear today was bad.
