30 June 2010


Does it get any better than a sprinkler, under a trampoline, in Grandma's backyard, on the hottest day of summer yet?

Obviously not.

Oh, and while we are on the subject of trampolines... Should I feel hurt that while I begged for years for a trampoline and never got one, my children now have one sitting in MY old backyard for the once-every-few-months visits they take to Grandma and Grandpa's? 

Seriously, if there is a pool dug the next time we visit I may need therapy.

breakfast in bed

Yes. That is my half eaten cheesecake... in my bed... at 10:00 this morning. 
The bear, however, does not belong to me.  

02 June 2010

In retrospect this has been a pretty depressing, dour blog lately. 

I am not really sorry for this because it's been true. 

I am not really sorry for this because I think our journeys go over mountains and through valleys, and while this valley has been long and still stretches out in front of me farther than I would like it to, it's still the one I have to walk. 

I am not sorry for this because I think we need to feel what we are feeling, not wallow in it unnecessarily, but feel it nonetheless. 

I am not sorry for this because it's my story and someday I know that Aslan will tell me why he clawed at me and it will all make sense. (If that reference is lost on you, you must - MUST - read this book, whether you're into Narnia or not.)

These days things are looking up though and I would be remiss to only document the bad bits. Never in pregnancy have I been this early on and had this many 'no vomit' days. I am grateful for this. It makes the days I do get sick harder, but it allows for pinpricks of light the rest of the time. I would say there have even been moments of excitement. It's a little disorienting to go from depression to health. Almost like I've been so sad for so long that health and happiness have become the weird and foreign. But they are there in whatever small amount they may come and we are all feeling the thrill of hope starting to bubble below the surface. I still feel anxious and overwhelmed, but now there is peace in the midst of it too.