30 June 2010


Does it get any better than a sprinkler, under a trampoline, in Grandma's backyard, on the hottest day of summer yet?

Obviously not.

Oh, and while we are on the subject of trampolines... Should I feel hurt that while I begged for years for a trampoline and never got one, my children now have one sitting in MY old backyard for the once-every-few-months visits they take to Grandma and Grandpa's? 

Seriously, if there is a pool dug the next time we visit I may need therapy.

1 comment:

  1. YEAH! two posts in one day...you taunt me by telling me you keep a blog and then going a month without updating.

    but you are excused with good reason.

    and I am glad to see a trampoline that is not surrounded by huge nets/padding/pillows/etc.....it is seen as VERY irresponsible in these parts to have an "old style" one like we grew up on.
