06 January 2012

The handmades

Handmades found their way into all the kids hands this year. And while I was nervous they would make me happier than the kids, I am pleasantly surprised by their positive response to them.

Yoda for Ephram.
Clarice (we may or may not have watched Rudolph A LOT last month) the Deer for Elin. 
And a new little dolly (a la Shelley!) for Wren.

Elin got a new little play kitchen this year as well so I got my hands into the felt food pot and we're hooked, me and her. Even if I didn't really love all the little stitches it takes to make these (and I do!), seeing the play it has produced would be more than enough incentive to keep adding to her grocery bag. 



  1. I'm so inspired to make more food for our little play kitchen! And I love the dolly, of course. :) You're such a darling mama, Sarah!

  2. You are amazing Sarah ... seriously!!!

  3. Oh so cute. My parents handmade so many amazing gifts for us, and years later they are still favorite possessions.

  4. These are so cute!!! Your kids much have so much fun with this!
