20 September 2011


A long time ago, I used to nanny. If I'm honest I think I only did it for as long as I did (3 years plus some part time after I had my own kids) because I was too scared to try do anything else. Lord knows I didn't keep at it for the money. 

The money was poor. 
Even for 10 years ago. 
But they did let me eat there. 
I could eat every meal of the day there if I wanted to and timed it right. Pancakes in the morning with the kids courtesy of their dad. Whatever I made for lunch. And I usually managed to stuff my face with something that would count as my supper before the parents came home. Snacks were at my disposal all day long. One month I spent only $20.00 on my own personal groceries. $20!! 

Herein lies my confession.

One time at their house I ate a whole bottle of caramel sauce in a day. 
Just the bottle, a spoon, and my mouth. 
Most of you are probably disgusted and I wish I could say I was too, but there is a bottle of it in my fridge right now, and it is all I can do to keep myself from a repeat offense. 

I love caramel sauce. 

Oh to have the metabolism of my 19 year old self again. 


  1. that is insane! I feel sick thinking about eating that..and I love caramel sauce.

  2. well i think i could do that if it was the pineapple topping....

  3. I have to confess as well...I've been reading your blog for far too long and NOT telling you that I have been. LOL. I thought you made fun of bloggers? :p
    Seriously though, how the heck do you find the time? Oh and ps. Im loving it.
