01 November 2010

the baby and the scale

Is it possible to have a baby and divorce yourself from the scale? 

I've always known I was blessed to gain the weight I did in my pregnancies considering how sick I get, but I would be lying if I said the weight didn't eat at me almost immediately following delivery. I would be lying if I said there weren't feelings of failure tied with the inability to lose weight (unrealistically) quickly. I would be lying if I said I see my body now and can appreciate all the changes it's gone through if only because of all the good it gave me. 

I am trying. But I am struggling to be convinced. 
I know I will lose the weight. 
I know the stretch marks will fade. 
I know my husband loves me regardless. 
I know the 30 pounds I've lost in less than two weeks is remarkable. 
And I know I am so tired of believing lies about myself. 

So I will try to cut myself some slack.
I will refocus my energy in the kitchen and re-school myself in the art of fresh, organic produce, vegan and vegetarian recipes, and whole foods. 
I will walk and run and play with my kids. 
I will resist the piles of halloween candy on my kitchen table.
I will enjoy taking care of my home and family again.
I will chose to rest in the love of my husband and more importantly Christ. 

The scale was tucked away cozily for the last nine months, I'm sure it won't mind if we resume our casual acquaintances relationship status. As with all our company in the last two weeks, I could definitely use a breather. 

1 comment:

  1. blech I hate those first months after baby. When everything feels like it should be back to the new 'normal' but it's taking so painfully long for clothes to fit again or for me to not grimace over the occasional picture I see myself in.

    Do give yourself lots of love and grace.
