04 July 2010

the list

I have lofty goals for the making that is to be done in preparation for our little birdie and not so lofty energy levels, so in an effort to simplify the process and keep my brain from exploding I introduce:

The List.
Separated neatly into the following categories:
The Have-to's.
The Would-be-nice's.
The Dream-on you sweaty, swollen, puking mama's.

The Have To's: 

  • Diapers (10 done out of 36 in total)
  • Wipes
  • Crib Sheets
  • Change Pad cover 
  • Crib Bumper (I know, I know... unsafe you irresponsible mama, but after seeing this little yellow beauty I couldn't resist and a steal of a deal on some yellow striped (which reminded me of this wedding that ultimately provided the whole color palate of the room, er... corner) and linen fabric at Value Village told me it was meant to be... even if it's just for a picture or two when it all finally comes together. Plus, it's done already. Sue me) 
  • a pair or two of these sweet little shoes (I guess not really a have to but I already bought the pattern and to not use it now really would be a shame)
  • Find, buy, and paint a secondhand dresser to double as a change table.
  • A wet bag.
The Would Be Nice's:
  • Birdies for a mobile something like this. I figure I need 10... Three are sewn. Two are stuffed and blindstitched. I hate blindstitching. 
  • Some little jersey and bamboo wool hats. Our kids never fit the standard baby head size, so handmade it must be. 
  • Artwork for the corner. There are some ideas mulling around in my head but my skills in execution when it comes to computer illustrations are iffy. We'll see how keen the husband is to help.
The Dream On's:
  • A stack of smocks à la angry chicken. My dream would be a little girlie who wears a daily uniform of onsies, leggings, and smocks. She will need more than the one sitting half finished in a pile that was intended to be a present for another little girl months ago. All that bias tape and those tiny little arm holes plant this one firmly in the dream on category. 
  • A stack of bibs. Again, the thought of repeatedly preforming the 'right sides together, turn, press, topstitch' thing just isn't all that appealing. 
  • A mommy made quilt. Seeing as I've only made one quilt before and it was less than stellar I will leave this for a time with more patience and more bend in my body.
I know there is more, but for now this is where is stays... a start anyway. 

1 comment:

  1. we'll be done with ellie's sweet little smock and bloomers(well she is already too chubby) so I'll send that back, it is one of the few "little" things I still have stashed around seeing as it was just too sweet to part with.
