01 August 2011

A perfect evening.

Even if most of the day was wasted (inasmuch as finding some peace of mind can be counted as 'wasted') in a crowded ER*, the day ended blissfully. 

A walk.
A broken down, old bike found in a back alley and brought home with big plans for a return to glory.
Stealing Picking crab apples. 

Some swinging. 

Squeals of delight. 
And a very loud, very repetitive chorus of 'Best. Fun. Ever.' from the child who isn't afraid to speak her mind

Like I said, a perfect evening. 

*Wren is fine! A small bump that grew into a larger bump overnight is just a cyst and nothing to worry about. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovin' your blog Sarah.. thanks for sharing... but could you share more often??? Stay at home mom's aren't THAT busy.. are you? lol
