21 June 2011

Bucket List

Feeling inspired by all the summer bucket lists I've seen floating around, we set to work making our own.

1. Read every book we own! (Kids books only, of course - we're not superhuman readers or insane)
2. Play Spiderman
3. Go to Waterton
4. Take the kids to a drive in movie
5. Waterslides
6. Play
7. Learn to ride a two wheeler
8. Go to the candy store (in Regina!)
9. Go for a drive
10. Have a party
11. Camping
13. Swim lots
14. Picnics
15. Hike in the mountains
16. Walk around the lake
17. Wash our cars in the driveway
18. Bonfires
19. Daddy dates
20. Pray lots

Everyone contributed. There were some outlandish (and inappropriate, thanks to the Hubs for those ones) suggestions that were vetoed but more or less I think we built a very doable and 'just-challenging-enough list' for our still young, nap-needing family.  I have more ideas mulling around in my head but this is the formal list. 

We can officially begin crossing things off next Monday, once Ephram is done school and summer holidays officially start! We'll revisit when September rolls around. 

Happy Summer!

What's on your summer bucket list?  


  1. We'll go hiking with you! I have a list like this too, on the fridge. Hope it makes me a little more productive over the summer, cause I could easily just sleep the summer away!

  2. oh, what's on our list? Lemonade stand, picnics, roast marshmallows, hike, minigolf, visit cousins, write letters, make pies, fly kites......
