29 June 2011

Everything is coming up blue.

I've kept this little number filed away in my memory, knowing that someday I would have to try it.

After finding a huge bag of lace at the thrifts and with wedding season upon us, the time has come. And the results are pretty pleasing, if I do say so myself.

A simple little skirt was sewn up (out of an old white bed sheet) and then row after row after row of different laces were stitched on. This took a surprisingly long time, but was a good outlet for the evening's frustrations with a certain 65 year old housemate. Side note: Who knew a driveway could be such a contentious issue?

After all that sewing, I was definitely nervous to commit to 1. a colour and 2. the process of dying, but it looked a little too pioneer-ish as it was, so I knew I had to. When consulted, Elin thought blue would be the best color and my insides almost burst with happiness that no where in the conversation were the words 'pink' or 'purple' uttered. Bolstered by this small color victory, a dye bath was drawn and yards of lace plunged in.

Twenty minutes of nervous checks and continuous stirring later, the skirt emerged.

The kids got an afternoon project out of the deal too, because you can't let a pot of perfectly good dye go to waste without tie dyeing something, can you?
Nope. You can't.

Ephram especially, loves the results of his shirt. He thinks the circle on the front is like Tony Stark's chest piece. The kid loves his comics... 'How does the belly look?' actually came out of his mouth while I was trying to get a shot of the shirts. He's also a stickler for keeping character/costume integrity apparently.

I may have dyed a dress for Wren too.
And I may be fighting back the urge to something crazy with our duvet cover.

I can't help myself.
The kids have taken to calling me and my blue fingers Beast. And I find the added level of character believability* during our superhero fights (as well as their giggles) worth at least one more dip in the dye bath.

*maybe he gets it from me.

27 June 2011

Make this bread.

I could have made this bread a long time ago. 

I should have made this bread a long time ago. 

But I held off because these photos of the bread baked in the Le Creuset pot taunted me. I wanted one too. A few times I convinced myself to go to the retail store with the intent to buy one. But yikes, even knowing what they cost beforehand didn't quell the sticker shock and I always left empty handed. 

Enter the town-wide garage sale

I picked up this baby for $2.00. Saving somewhere in the neighborhood of $248.00? Hooray. 

Thrifting bliss at it's finest. 

So now the bread has been made. 

And you should make it too.

With or without the pot.
It's that good. 

Home. A quick trip.

26 June 2011

I've been waiting all year for this.

Tomorrow is Ephram's last day of school. 
I am 100% positive that I am the more excited one of the two of us. 

Finally, FINALLY, no more rushing him out the door, snack days, or packing up the baby I had to wake from her nap to pick him up. Done.


Nevermind the vast amounts of homeschooling information/paperwork that are begging for my attention. For tonight at least, I am a kid again, reveling in the blissful feeling that only the last day of school can bring. 

Sweet relief.


and now. 

24 June 2011

What is this?

Besides awesome, I mean.

I'm thinking an egg basket? But really I have no idea.

21 June 2011

Bucket List

Feeling inspired by all the summer bucket lists I've seen floating around, we set to work making our own.

1. Read every book we own! (Kids books only, of course - we're not superhuman readers or insane)
2. Play Spiderman
3. Go to Waterton
4. Take the kids to a drive in movie
5. Waterslides
6. Play
7. Learn to ride a two wheeler
8. Go to the candy store (in Regina!)
9. Go for a drive
10. Have a party
11. Camping
13. Swim lots
14. Picnics
15. Hike in the mountains
16. Walk around the lake
17. Wash our cars in the driveway
18. Bonfires
19. Daddy dates
20. Pray lots

Everyone contributed. There were some outlandish (and inappropriate, thanks to the Hubs for those ones) suggestions that were vetoed but more or less I think we built a very doable and 'just-challenging-enough list' for our still young, nap-needing family.  I have more ideas mulling around in my head but this is the formal list. 

We can officially begin crossing things off next Monday, once Ephram is done school and summer holidays officially start! We'll revisit when September rolls around. 

Happy Summer!

What's on your summer bucket list?  

the drive home

We spent the weekend in our hometown. 
Our soggy, rain-drenched hometown. 

And it was just what we needed.

Some time to breathe. 
Some time to study.
Some time to practice.
Some time to play.
Some time to enjoy a town-wide garage sale a town over? Yes, please.

The rain situation there is out of hand. Crops won't be grown this year, basements and houses are flooded, spirits are sullied with each new rain cloud that rolls in threatening to let loose its swollen insides. 

For us who get to leave it all behind after a mere weekend, it is beautiful though. 

15 June 2011

Manicure Day

Ellie decided today was manicure and pedicure day. How I ended up with the ultimate girly girl is beyond me, but she is such a treat that I find myself pouring over the nail polish displays at the stores with as much enthusiasm as her, trying to find the perfect shade to complement her growing collection.

A little embarrassing to admit? Sure. But what's parenthood for if not to humble you a little?
Plus, look at that face! How could one deny her this little pleasure?

After her fingers and toes had dried, she told me she'd like to sell me (savvy girl, that one) her orange nail polish, as she no longer likes it. She assured me she would tithe on the profits.

I'm considering her offer.

For the sake of the lesson, of course.

I still have some pride.

On constant rotation.

I knew I shouldn't have shown Ephram exactly how to work the iPod and dock.

Over and over these two songs play.

I love watching them dance to songs I actually like, hearing the lyrics sung in their squeaky voices is great, and it's too cute seeing him air drum just like his dad, but honestly...
Over and over.
And over.

14 June 2011

I live here.

Summer is so, so good. 


I have brought home somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 metres of fabric in the recent weeks and only spent around $30 total.  That's an average of 75¢ a metre. Yeah,CENTS!

Stripes and dots. 
Solids and Patterns. 
Gingham and plaid. 
Cotton and Linen.

Plans are in the works for all of it.