04 January 2011


Christmas and New Year's have come and gone and with no documentation at all on this little blog! Computer issues, christmas sewing, travel, rest, and spending time together left blogging in the dust and I am just fine with that. There's also the fact that I find out people are actually reading this thing (I knew I shouldn't have said yes when Missy asked to link my blog on hers! ha.) and I feel slightly exposed and a little unconfident each and every time I go to start a post. 

Ahh, well. I forge ahead and we'll see what happens. 

If you've just started reading or have been lurking for awhile - Hello! Your interest confounds me but your presence (and comments) are welcome! 

Here's to a New Year together!


  1. lol....SO glad to see you back. I've missed your blog so much, it's one of my favorites.

    I'd apologize for 'exposing' you however I DID ask first...ha. Just keep doing what you've been doing here because it's awesome and in every way you.

  2. Hello! I'm here too! Janet spilled the beans! I'm not surprised one bit to see you here, you have lots of crafty ideas to share I'm sure. It all looks great! And I love to see what you and the kids are up to! Just one question, how do we get to star in a post?! haha! Good luck with this!!
