29 October 2009


we need a new bed.
i am thankful for our bed.
we were gifted it right before we got married.

thank heavens too - because Lord knows we did not have money for a bed, and it's kind of one of those necessary things for a young married couple who have never known each other before. yeah, you know what i mean.

but six years in and it's day has come.

every day I wake up with a sore neck and a tight back and a grumpy disposition because of it. 

it's time, dear husband of mine, to concede and loosen up those purse strings. and while we're at it, new sheets and a duvet that isn't thread-bare would be nice. and pillows, pillows would be bliss. (take note robbie - i wasn't joking when I asked for pillows for christmas. it totally counts as a need item!)

I'm thinking a king size, organic mattress is just what my aching neck ordered.

p.s. to my husband - I know you read this, so consider this post the official beginning of the conversation.

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