After a rather long afternoon yesterday, I am happy to say that taxes are filed, a return is to be had, and I can forget about this not so pleasant task for another year. Each year threatens to get more complicated but for now, I am holding my own. The cookies get me through.
The cookies. so good. they're from Martha and everyone in the family is happy with them. Which is good. We needed a good chocolate chip cookie recipe and to make it even better, the husband likes to make these too. Maybe even more than me. It's the salt that has us hooked. Biting into the little bits of coarse salt, mmm...
The best part is that you can add ANYTHING you want. Coconut, cranberries, sour cherries, nuts, white chocolate... I think the next batch will contain marshmallows if I have my way.
I know that these cookies don't even come close to following our new guidelines for eating, but it's tax time. I deserve it. And since the recipe yields a ridiculous amount of cookies it'd be rude not to share.